How To Get Legendary Heatsink Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan Location And How To Upgrade

Images via CD Projekt Red
20th Sep 2022 16:48
Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan is a powerful cybernetic upgrade that has caught plenty of attention after playing a key role in the Edgerunners anime series. Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot of build diverseness to play around with, and an important role of any build is choosing an operating system. Sandevistan is i of the varieties of Bone you lot can equip, with the unique power to slow downwardly fourth dimension. Here is everything y'all need to get your own Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan.
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Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan Locations
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There are a number of ways to get your easily on a Sandevistan operating system. They all largely involve the same procedure, however, and that is paying a visit to a Ripperdoc. There are Ripperdocs all over the city, each i with their own stock of cyberware that y'all can choose from. Shopping effectually is always a adept idea, but if you are looking specifically for a Sandevistan OS, in that location are some good places to starting time.
The primary differences between the diverse Sandevistan operating systems you lot can purchase are the duration of the consequence, and the amount of time they take to cool down. Your best options are a Sandevistan that lasts longer, or one that has a short cooldown. As we will talk over, that second option is really the better one.
The start Ripperdoc you lot get to in the game, Viktor, sells a legendary Sandevistan OS, which is a pretty nifty choice. Our option for the best option is to head to Jig Jig Street and go encounter Fingers. Fingers is a Ripperdoc you volition encounter during the main story, and unfortunately, if you lot are aggressive with him when you encounter him he will no longer deal with you.
This is simply unfortunate because he sells the Qiant Sandevistan MK. 4. This Bone has only a fifteen-second base cooldown, something nosotros can reduce much further. Regardless of where yous buy i, you are going to demand in excess of 15 stat points in Reflex, then exist sure to work on that first.
- Kitting out a Sandevistan is 1 of the key parts of putting together this Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez build.
Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan Upgrades
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Getting a Sandevistan operating system will get you well-nigh of the way to moving like David Martinez in the Cyberpunk Edgerunners anime. However, you can really get nuts with this past adding some more cyberware. Nosotros have more than details in the build linked above, but here are some useful mods to become for your Sandevistan.
First, we need to head to the Ripperdoc over by the Mission Waterfront fast travel location, in Arroyo. From him, we can purchase the crafting recipe for the Sandevistan Heatsink. To get the virtually out of the Heatsink, you will want to craft some Legendary quality ones, which requires a Crafting skill of at least 18. If you do not accept the Crafting skills, yous tin can still practise this to go some benefit, only to maximise it you should put some fourth dimension into levelling Crafting.
With three of these slotted, you can reduce the cooldown of the Sandevistan from xv seconds to just 3. You tin even add a Legendary spec Bioconductor to bring that down to only 2 seconds. The Bioconductor tin can be bought in the Aldecaldo camp, and tin be useful if you cannot craft the Legendary Heatsinks.
From here, you can exercise almost annihilation y'all want. These few items alone volition grant you nigh-abiding up time with the Sandevistan, and different David Martinez in the anime, you practise not have to worry almost information technology destroying your body.
That is it for the Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan, its locations and how to upgrade it. For more than on the game, check out how to find Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca's shotgun from the eventful conclusion of the anime series.
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